
I'm Aaron.

I have recently graduated from NUS, with numerous internships and projects in Tech - particularly in machine learning , web development and data engineering!
Here's a bit more about me .

Here are some of my projects

  • Cervical Landmark Detector

    Python, Numpy, OpenCV, Tensorflow, Machine Learning, Computer Vision

    A semi-supervised trained anatomical landmark detector to enhance the first-level diagnosis of airway difficulty in patients.

  • Hands-free Verbal Lock

    Cloud Computing (AWS), Internet of Things (IoT), Python, C

    An IoT secure verbal lock developed through cloud computing, object detection and audio classification.

  • E-commerce Bookstore

    React, JavaScript

    Designed an E-Commerce bookstore to dynamically fetch from a mock database and allow users to browse, sort and cart items with React and JavaScript. A clean user experience is also attained through Routing, Hooks and Skeleton Loading States.